Keep It Simple | Free KISS SVG Download

Keep it Simple Stupid.  The year is 2020 and we are all experiencing the Covid-19 epidemic. Some direct and some indirect. I do not know if it is cabin fever but this sudden flip in life has made me realize a lot about myself and my habits. Particularly those of setting goals and accomplishing them. Life before this epidemic was always a million miles an hour with a million things to do and I was always behind because I did not have “time”. Now that we have been told to stay home, work at home, along with social distancing, I began to notice that life was still a million miles an hour for me despite having more time. This was my wake up call. It was the world telling me, “Its not me dear, its you.” Something needs to change.

This short quote is the guide I now use to remind myself to Keep It Simple and complete a goal. I look for every reason to procrastinate finishing my project because I still need to fold clothes, pickup, cleanup, etc. I then start working on a project in the middle of the night because that is when I can focus the best and end up falling asleep. So much for focusing.

The most basic and most powerful advice is to stick to your plan. 

Stick to your original plan, as much as possible anyways. There is always something that will come up something to do.  I am mainly referring to mini goals that in turn will lead to your big beautiful goal that you are hustling for. Accomplish your mini goal keeping it as simple as possible and move on. Do not self-sabotage by throwing in things that were not originally part of the plan or continuously allowing yourself to become distracted by unnecessary things or tasks that YOU feel need to be done. We have to stop torturing ourselves in that way.

Even if its tough love you have to train your mindset. Your mind is a powerful thing, when you continuously work at this, the task you practice becomes second nature. So if your big Plan is to get in shape, set your mini goal that you will wake up early to workout. Ignore the dishes in the sink, the unfolded clothes on the bed and just commit to something as simple as possible. Start and finish your awesome project, write that blog post you have been ignoring, or design your heart out.  Do not exert your energy on unnecessary worries or decisions.  Just keep it Cheeky!

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